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Feb 7, 2018

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In our modern world it is so easy to become disconnected from our bodies, especially as most of us spend our days seated at desks, rather than engaged in any kind of physical labor.

When we take the time to tune into our bodies, we can access a wealth information that we can use to improve our health and wellbeing.

In this conversation Deborah Miller and I talk about how we can better tune into our physical bodies, how to interpret physical sensations, and then how to respond with tapping to this information to become healthier and happier.

Everything we share is easy to understand and simple to implement, so you can feel better right away.

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  • Where is the pain located? Be as specific as possible when describing the location. For example don’t write "my right knee" but "on the front of my right knee on the knee cap." The more specific the better.
  • What type of pain is it? Is it dull, sharp, achy, pulsing, itchy, or hot? The more detailed the description the better.
  • What is the Subject Unit of Distress lever? This is a rating from 0–10 of the pain. 0 is no pain at all and 10 is the worst pain you have ever felt. Don’t get too hung up on coming up with exactly the right number.
  • What is the 3D shape of the pain? Is it flat on the surface of the skin, does it feel like a ball of pain, is it a long strip of tightness that runs the length of the muscle, or does it have a round center with tentacles of pain spreading out in all directions? Again, the more detail you can provide the better.
  • Is there an epicenter to the pain and where is it located? Is the pain evenly distributed? Does it have more than one center with the rest fanning out?
  • How much does the pain weigh? If you were to guess and pretend that you could hold the pain in your hand, how much would it weigh? You don’t need to know exact pounds, but does it weigh as much as a grapefruit, a steel rod, or is it as light as a feather?
  • If you were to paint a picture of the pain to show to someone else what color or colors would you use? Be specific. Don’t just write red. Is it fire truck red or rust red? Is it red in the middle and fading to light blues as you get to edge of the pain? Describe the color in as much detail as possible.
  • If you were to make a model of this pain what material would you use to make it? Would it be a ball of hard rubber, burning lava, metal wire, or does it feel like a mass of cotton candy?
  • Image a little cartoon face on the front of the pain. If it could talk, what would it say? It might say something specific, it might scream in pain, or it might just stick its tongue out at you. Give it a voice and what would it say?
  • What does the pain remind you of? Just write the first thing that comes to mind. It could be a person, a place, or a situation.
  • What emotion is associated with the pain? Again, don’t give this a lot of thought, just the first thing that comes to mind.
  • What memory is associated with the pain? There may not be one, but when you read that question, what is the first thing that came to mind?
  • Is the pain associated with someone? Don’t think about this too much, but who comes to mind and why?
  • What does the pain need? Does it need to be heard? Does it need you to do something? Just ask the pain, what does it need, and write the answer down.
  • What does the pain want you to learn? It might not want you to learn anything, but ask the pain what it needs.

Guest: Deborah D. Miller PhD

Contact Deborah: website and Tapping Guides @

About Deborah: Deborah D. Miller, Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology is passionate about helping people feel empowered and capable of maintaining a healthy state of mind and body.

Deborah is an EFT Expert and Trainer, Deeksha Giver, Reiki Master, Nutritional Guide, Personal Motivation Guide and internationally recognized author. She understands the necessity of working with the emotional aspects underlying ‘dis-ease’ within the body and the need to cleanse and nourish the physical body. Her personal journey of improving her own immune system gives her hands-on experience of the requirements for improving one’s energy levels and health.

Deborah volunteers at a children’s cancer wing in Oaxaca, Mexico, applying EFT and energy techniques to the children, parents and nurses helping them reduce stress, fear and anxiety while improving their mental and emotional health in a way that is complementary to the treatments given at the hospital.

Helping these children has led Deborah to a heart-felt, passionate and inspired goal. She is dedicating herself to helping at least 1,000,000 men, women and children prevent future illness (mental, emotional or physical) using the simplest, easiest and most economical methods. Tap, eat and drink your way to health!

Deborah is the author of the beautifully illustrated book "Tap It ... ALL Better Now!", (English: book | kindle; Español: libro | Kindle en Español; Français: livre) which is dedicated to empowering parents and children facing the challenge of a serious illness in a way that provides relief and peace, and “Green Drink Red Drink”, which provides information and recipes on how to add healthy greens to your meals.

Deborah has been a guest on the Tapping Q&A Podcast a number of times. Make sure you check out her past appearances.