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May 25, 2016

[33% Off Pain Relief Miracle]

The first set of EFT training videos were recorded by Gary Craig over 20 years ago. Gary developed EFT after he trained with Roger Callahan in the tapping protocol Thought Field Therapy, which was developed 10 years prior to that.

In the last 30 years there have been many names for and many presentations of tapping. This week I have a conversation with Gwyneth Moss about whether or not there are right or wrong ways to do tapping.

Guest: Gwyneth Moss

Contact: web @; email @ contact form; web @ Annual EFT Gathering

About Gwyneth: Gwyneth Moss is one of the original EFT Masters and the founder of the EFT Gathering annual community conference which has run since 2009. With a degree in Physics and an MBA she is known for the clarity and depth of her teaching style and for her innovative techniques which include EFT Imagineering; Protective Distancing; Projection Tapping; The Surrogate EFT Protocol and more. Gwyneth teaches EFT in the glorious countryside of Yorkshire and at Esalen, Big Sur, CA.