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[script] Tapping For And Responding To Feeling Like You SHOULD Do Something

Jul 17, 2019

I recognize the fact that I feel like I should do this...Should is a powerful word...When I use the word should...It feels like I must...When I use the word should...It feels like I have to...When I use the word should...It feels as if I am out of control...But it makes sense that I feel like I am obliged to something that others say I should do...There is an ancient and primitive part of me that recognizes that if I was pushed outside of the tribe, I would die...Because staying connected to the community was a matter of life or death...Staying connected to the community was a necessity...And going against the grain was dangerous...Going against the grain was perilous...Therefore I have learned to do what the community wants and expects...Because at one point in history it was a matter of life and death...But that is no longer the case...And I can go my own way and survive...I can make the choices that are best for me and thrive...And because of this, the word should doesn't have to hold so much power over me...Recognizing that can be difficult...Because most of the shoulds in our lives have been passed on by people close to us...We all want to belong and be connected...Especially to those closest to us...But I give myself permission to know that I can stay connected to my loved ones...Without having to do what they think I should be doing...I'm allowed to do what I want...I am safe choosing what I want...I can remain connected to others while choosing what I want...When anyone says I should do something...I can take that as input...I can take that as something to consider...But it is nothing more than someone else's opinion...And I am allowed to take it for as much or as little as I want...I get to choose what is right for me...Not because of the cultural norm...Not because someone else said I should do it...But simply because I want to do it...I give myself permission to let go of the word should...There's nothing I should do...There are only things that I choose to do...And things I choose not to do...I am responsible for those choices...I am responsible for the consequences of those choices...But they are my choices...Because I choose to do them...Not because I should do them...I give myself permission to have control over my own life and my own choices...I give myself permission to let go of should.