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[Tapping Script] - EFT For When It Is Too Late For A Loved One To Change

Jul 5, 2017

I want better for those around me...I want better for those I love...I want them to make better choices...I want them to have access to better options...The truth of the matter is that at a certain point...There are no more options...There is nothing that we can do to create change...Because the situation is so grave...There's a part of us that doesn't want to admit that...There is a part of me that doesn't believe I am helpless in this regard...It is a part of me that wishes I could tap a little longer and a little harder to create change...But what is happening is happening...There are times when we cannot change that...I feel like a failure when this happens...I feel like I'm giving up because I'm not trying something new...I feel like there must be some deficiency in me otherwise I would have solved this problem...Otherwise I would have found an answer...Otherwise I would have found a way around this...Sometimes there's nothing I can do...And that breaks my heart...It breaks my heart to see a loved one suffer...It breaks my heart to see them in pain...It breaks my heart to not see them take the action that might make a difference...I give myself permission to be sad...I give myself permission to be heartbroken...These are the emotions of wanting better for my loved ones...I give myself permission to be angry...Because that is the emotion of trying to fight for better...I give myself permission to feel lost...Because sometimes I just don't have the answers...Even though this is out of my control...I can still be present...I can still be loving...I can share this moment with them...And that is real...That is significant...That is meaningful...Even if there's a part of me that doesn't accept that to be true...Even if there's a part of me that feels like I am failing...Even if there's a part of me that wants me to do more...I give myself permission to be with them...In this moment...With whatever they are dealing with...Knowing that they must take action...That this is their moment too...I give myself permission to know that it is significant...I give myself permission to know that this is not giving up...I give myself permission to know this is not giving in...This is being in the moment for them...This is being in the moment with them...That is meaningful...That is real...That is what I can do...That is who I can be in this moment.