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[TappingScript] - EFT For A Good Night's Sleep

Dec 21, 2016

As I get ready for bed...I recognize the day has been stressful...I recognize the day has been full...My mind is still racing with all of these thoughts and all of these concerns...I give myself permission to set them aside so that I can now rest...Those worries that I carry with me are just a part of me trying to keep me safe...The worry is simply saying "Keep an eye on this"..."Don't forget that"..."Please be on guard"...I appreciate the fact my system is trying to keep me safe...I appreciate the fact my system is trying to keep me healthy...I'm aware of everything I'm worried about...I am aware of everything I'm stressed about...Because I am aware I do not have to worry...The worry has done its job...The stress has done its job...If I need to worry about these things tomorrow I give myself permission to do exactly that...I don't need that worried right now...I give myself permission and I get my entire system permission to relax and let go...To exhale deeply and to gently rest...Because gentle rest will bring me health...Gentle rest is good for my well-being...I give my system permission to gently let go of all tension and easily get off to sleep...As I sleep tonight I give my system permission to let go of everything that is no longer necessary...Letting go of thoughts, beliefs, and programing that are unnecessary...Today I learned lessons about stories that I have picked up that no longer serve me...Now is the perfect time to let those stories go...As I sleep tonight it is much like a computer that is getting an upgrade to its operating system...This sleep tonight is a chance for me to reset...To wake up with a clean slate...To see the world more clearly after I let go of the beliefs that are no longer useful...I give my system permission to rest deeply knowing that I am safe...I give my system permission to rest gently knowing that I can take this moment of comfort so that when I wake up tomorrow...I will wake up clear headed...I will wake up relaxed...I will wake up refreshed...Ready to take on a new day...But I don't need to think about that now...All I need to notice is that it is time for rest and gentle relaxation...I am made for both of those...I give myself permission to sleep...I give myself permission to rest