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Jun 12, 2019

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As much as I love tapping, it is not the only or best tool that we can use for our health and wellbeing.

In her latest book "Energy Healing: Simple and Effective Practices to Become Your Own Healer" Kris Ferraro goes beyond the basic EFT tapping recipe and teaches many other tapping-type tools. They are all easy to learn, can be self-applied and each take less than a minute to perform.

Kris shares three of those tools on this week's podcast, which you will be able to use right away. In the conversation we cover:

  • Polarity switching
  • How to calm the flight, fight, and freeze response
  • How to clear governing vessel

I recommend that you add all of these tools to your tapping tool box!

Note: During the interview I talked about where I learned muscle testing. In case you are interested, this is the training I did from Quantum Techniques: Truth Techniques (aff) – DVDs | digital download
As noted by the "aff" this is an affiliate link, but I would recommend this course even if it weren't. Just last week I bought more products from QT because I love their stuff so much.

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Guest: Kris Ferraro

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Kris Ferraro is an Energy Coach, Author, and Speaker based in northern NJ. She is the creator of Spiritual Freedom Techniques, a series of practices that combine ancient wisdom with EFT for transformation. Kris is a “true believer” in everyone's innate ability to heal. She helps clients release their debilitating emotional patterns so they can step into their power and purpose. Her book, "Energy Healing: Simple and Effective Practices to Become Your Own Healer", published by St. Martin's Press, introduces energy psychology to new audiences.