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Oct 24, 2018

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One of the main reasons that people say they don't tap is because of the belief that tapping is not going to work. This is a reasonable concern. Tapping is weird. It seems unreasonable that tapping on our body would be able to provide healing and relief.

When I have encountered this resistance in the past I have asked the person who doesn't believe in tapping if they would be willing to tap on the fact that they don't believe it is going to work.

A funny thing happens...they are willing to tap on their disbelief in tapping.

You will notice in the first paragraph above I wrote "the reason that people say". I used the word say very deliberately. Sometimes people don't tap because they don't believe it will work and sometimes they say that as a mask for the real reason they don't tap.

This week we explore why you don't tap and how to tap for not tapping. (Trust me it will make sense and it will work.)

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