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May 25, 2016

[33% Off Pain Relief Miracle]

The first set of EFT training videos were recorded by Gary Craig over 20 years ago. Gary developed EFT after he trained with Roger Callahan in the tapping protocol Thought Field Therapy, which was developed 10 years prior to that.

In the last 30 years there have been many names for and...

May 17, 2016

-- 40% Off Adv. Tapping Training | 33% Off PRM --

Animals are highly perceptive when it comes to understanding human emotion. So much so that many animals will pick up and take on the emotions of the humans they are with the most.

In this week's podcast I have a conversation with Susanne Peach who has dedicated her...

May 11, 2016

-- 40% Off Adv. Tapping Training | 33% Off Pain Relief Miracle --

As humans, one of our natural dispositions is to create stories about why the world functions the way it does. This is a primitive skill that kept our ancestors safe.

For example, when we see tracks in the mud we write the story "These tracks were created...

May 4, 2016

-- 40% off Adv Tapping Training | 33% Pain Relief Miracle --

One of the reasons that EFT is so powerful is because of how easy it is to use, anytime, anywhere. You don't need someone else to tap with and it is super easy to have a daily tapping practice.

But sometimes that is not enough. Sometimes you need help...