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Dec 7, 2022

Scientific research is increasingly backing up what those of us in the space of transformation have known for decades: our emotional health impacts our physical health.

On one level, this is very exciting. It offers us fresh ways to think about the healing process and frees us from only thinking about the body as a...

Dec 1, 2022

In September of 2007 I created Tapping Q and A with the express purpose of creating resources that would make it easier for people to get the most out of tapping. The tag line has been "Answers to the most common (and uncommon) questions about tapping, so that you can get the most out of each round of...

Nov 24, 2022

For most people, the words thankful and grateful are interchangeable. But even though they are very similar, there is a small but significant difference between their definitions.

I am not super concerned about whether you are using either word correctly, however I do think that there is an important distinction between...

Oct 26, 2022

When we are tapping there is no such thing as the "right" or "best" words to use in our tapping phrases. There are words and phrases that are useful, and there are words and phrases that aren't useful.

One set of phrases might work perfectly one day, but not so well the next.

The words we use are often related directly...

Oct 12, 2022

I am always open to feedback from my readers, even when it is critical. We are all notoriously bad eyewitnesses to our own experience, so this sort of feedback can be helpful in understanding how we are perceived by others.

One piece of feedback that I have heard a number of times in the last few months is that I come...