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May 8, 2019

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One the most important ideas that I try to convey to all of my clients is the fact that emotions are not the enemy. Emotions are not a problem that we need to fix.

Instead, our emotions can provide us with useful information about how we are interpreting what is happening to us in the moment.

The aim of tapping is not to get rid of our emotions. Instead, we are working towards understanding why we are feeling those emotions, which in turn enables us to transform our understanding so that our emotions show up in a proportionate, well-informed way.

Here is a tap-along audio and tapping script to help you to recognize your emotions for what they are and stop feeling like you are caught in a battle with your emotional state. This is a great way to tap by itself and it also serves as a perfect way to set up a tapping session when you are working on a bigger issue.

Download the free Tapping Q & A app that includes the above script: Apple App | Google/Android App

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