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May 10, 2018

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Many of our beliefs are held at a subconscious level and some of them do not serve us well. They may be inaccurate in the way we describe ourselves, our relationships, and the world and this inaccuracy causes us problems in daily life because subconsciously we believe them to be true.

Once we identify these beliefs we can then use tapping to transform them into a clearer reflection of the way the world works.

Beliefs that have been passed on to us by our loved ones are particularly hard to change. This is because part of us fears that if we let go of the belief, we will also be letting go of the person who gave it to us.

Logically we know this isn't the case, but because this perception exists at a subconscious level it can slow or even halt our progress.

This week I have a simple process you can use to transform the beliefs that have been passed on by others, with a tap-along section at the end.

In the audio I also share with you how you can get a free written version of this tool, the tapping script, and 13 other great tapping tools.