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[script] - Sharing Generational Healing with EFT

Oct 10, 2018

I recognize the fact that some of the issues I am facing are related to issues that generations before me have faced...And because these issues have been around for so long...There's a part of me that is identifying with this problem...There's a part of my family that's taken its identity in this problem...I am worried that if I take the time to truly heal this...I will disconnect myself from my family...And I'm going to say I'm better than my family...That I'm going to be leaving them and this identity behind...Because they are stuck in this and I no longer am...But I choose to recognize the fact that healing my wounds does not disconnect me from my family...Many who have come before me have worked hard to give me a chance at a better life...So I don't have to stay in this place...Healing these issues is not disrespecting my family...Healing these issues is doing honor to my family...I'm acknowledging what they have done to put me in this position...To do this healing today...I recognize the fact that this healing isn't only about me...It's also about all those who came before me...I choose to take this opportunity to pass this healing back and share it over the generations...I recognize the fact that this is an opportunity for me to heal myself...I recognize this is an opportunity to share that healing with others... My healing is an opportunity to share with all those who came before me.